Spiritual Expansion and Contraction

Spiritual Expansion and Contraction

Spiritual expansion and contraction occurs when you are setting intentions to up-level where you are and make positive changes in your life. Make the transition smoother by understanding this phenomena. Perhaps you have set a goal for something you really want to come into your life such as a monetary amount or a new relationship … Read more

Professional Tarot Readings

Professional Tarot Readings

Professional Tarot readings are a way to gain an overall idea of what is currently affecting your life. Choose a professional reading to help you access your intuition when you are at a crossroad or sticking point in your life. Why Have Professional Tarot Readings? Many people decide to have tarot readings when they are … Read more

Learn FOUR Powerful Energy Healing Techniques

Learn 4 powerful energy healing techniques. Jeffrey Allen Duality

Experience four powerful energy healing techniques in this free Mindvally Masterclass with Jeffrey Allen. Tune into your energy and clear your blocks. Have you ever had an experience that science simply can’t explain? Like getting a “sixth sense” about something… and being proved right? Or experiencing vivid déjà vu? (Where you could’ve sworn you’ve already … Read more

Meditation Music Reviews and Recommendations

meditation music reviews

Soothing meditation music reviews for traditional and guided meditations. Awaken your higher consciousness through meditation. A selection of soothing meditation music for traditional and guided meditations. Learn to awaken your higher consciousness by listening to a calming voice guide you through a visualization to connect with your inner mind and higher self. Quiet your mind … Read more

Can Yoga Improve Your Psychic Abilities?

Can Yoga Improve Your Psychic Abilities?

Can yoga improve your psychic abilities? Find out what yoga has to offer in the areas of physical health, mind-body balance, and exercise. This is something I have been asking myself recently. Today’s post is more for me than anything, so I am going to turn the tables and ask all of you some questions. … Read more

Have your Spirit Guides Lost Patience with You?

Have Your Spirit Guides Lost Patience with You

Have your spirit guides lost patience with you if you keep asking the same questions repeatedly? Understand how spiritual guidance works. Have you ever wondered if your spirit guides have abandoned you because of asking them the same question in a myriad of different ways over and over again? To get you up to speed, … Read more