How To Identify Subconscious Negative Beliefs

How to Identify subconscious negative beliefs

Do you find it difficult to identify subconscious negative beliefs that are holding you back? Find out how to let go of those beliefs. A while back I wrote about weeding your mental garden and how negative thoughts and beliefs can spring up from nowhere. If those thoughts stay unexamined, they can run scripts in … Read more

Emotional Healing from Physical Injury

Can getting injured be a blessing in disguise? By understanding what that injury represents and the emotional healing needed; you can begin to see the gift in the physical wound. I wrote a bit about emotional wounding before and got to do some of my own inner work earlier this summer. A Blessing in Disguise? … Read more

Practice Mindfulness During the Holidays

practice mindfulness

The holiday season is a busy time and it is easy to get overwhelmed. Find tips to practice mindfulness and overcome holiday stress. We could all use presence and mindfulness during the upcoming holiday season. With so many things to do you can end up feeling overwhelmed. So, I have put together a few tips … Read more

Sixth Chakra Energy Center – The Third Eye Chakra

third eye chakra

The sixth chakra energy center is located about 1 inch above your eyebrows in the middle of your forehead. The third eye represents clairvoyance and the ability to gain clear sight through the use of energy. Find out if this chakra is overactive or underactive and how to bring it into balance. This is the … Read more

Meditation Music by Trevor Oswalt

meditation music by Trevor Oswalt

Please welcome Trevor Oswalt from East Forest Music. East Forest is a unique musical project that combines 100% original field recordings with ethereal, melodic soundscapes. It is a special blend of source sounds and tuneful musical collages that humbly hopes to serve as a guide, a little tool, to put a few cracks in the … Read more