Guided Meditations for Emotional Healing

    A selection of guided meditations for emotional healing using a combination of NLP (NeuroLinguistic Programming) and hypnosis. This powerful combination of healing methods allows you to bust through limiting beliefs and replace them with empowering thoughts and thought patterns. Through the power of hypnosis you can change and heal how you feel about … Read more

Attending an Introductory Reiki Seminar

reiki seminar

This past weekend I was able to attend a free introductory Reiki seminar given by a local shop that is involved in spiritual healing and holistic wellness. It lasted about one hour. This seminar provided an overview of Reiki energy healing ideas, principles and techniques followed by information on becoming a certified Level 1 Reiki … Read more

Christmas – A Healing Holiday

Christmas A Healing Holiday

Christmas can be a healing holiday if you intend to make it that way. Learn tips and techniques to bring healing into your upcoming family gatherings during this Christmas season. Stress, fear, anxiety, and depression can take their toll on a person this time of year. Past holiday experiences can bring up unresolved feelings and … Read more

Doreen Virtue Goddesses and Angels CD Review

doreen virtue goddesses and angels cd review

Expand your spiritual horizons with Doreen Virtue’s Goddesses & Angels 4-CD: Awakening Your Inner High-Priestess and “Source-eress” If you are ready, this narrative can expand your thoughts on allowing your Arch Angels to help and guide you. Goddesses and Angels CD I purchased Doreen Virtue’s Goddesses and Angels CD about a month ago. At that … Read more

Can Hypnosis Really Help You To Manifest More Money?

manifest more money

A guest post by Dr. Steve G. Jones, creator of Total Money Magnetism  Can hypnosis really change the way you think? And can it be used to help you manifest more money? As a Clinical Hypnotherapist and self-made millionaire, I see clients all the time who want to manifest greater wealth and success in their life. … Read more

Learning to Love Yourself

Learning to love yourself

Learning to love yourself may be one of the greatest experiences you have in this lifetime, but is it selfish? Find tips for raising your self worth and self esteem. Read about my spiritual healing journey and find tips you can use for healing your mind, body, and spirit. Loving yourself seems to come easily … Read more

8 Ways An Akashic Record Reading Can Benefit You

8 Ways An Akashic Record Reading Can Benefit You

Discover how an Akashic Record Reading can help you understand the root causes of recurring issues and bring clarity for positive change. What would you want to create, fix, or change in your life today if you could understand the root energetic causes of bothersome situations? Perhaps you already have an idea of an area … Read more