(Free Gift) 3 Incredible Meditation Mp3s

Meditation Mp3s-AudioTracks

Get 3 meditation Mp3s for free. Includes guided meditations for wiring your mind for more money, living your best life, and abundant health. Hey I’ve got something really incredible for you today… My friend Heather just released 3 brand new guided meditation tracks: – Wiring Your Mind For More Money – Living Your Best Life … Read more

Attending a Psychic Fair

Attending a Psychic Fair

Ever considered attending a psychic fair or wondered what one had to offer? Read about my experiences during my first visit to a metaphysical fair. Since I write a lot about metaphysical and spiritual matter on this blog, and have now started offering intuitive readings, I thought it was appropriate that I finally find out … Read more

If the Walls Could Talk what Stories Could your Home Tell?

If the Walls Could Talk what Stories Could your Home Tell?

If the walls could talk, what stories could your home tell? Homes have an energetic imprint that can affect how we live on a daily basis. Find out how to clear and resolve energetic imprints from past situations within your home. This is an area that I have always found quite interesting. How much influence … Read more

Learn FOUR Powerful Energy Healing Techniques

Learn 4 powerful energy healing techniques. Jeffrey Allen Duality

Experience four powerful energy healing techniques in this free Mindvally Masterclass with Jeffrey Allen. Tune into your energy and clear your blocks. Have you ever had an experience that science simply can’t explain? Like getting a “sixth sense” about something… and being proved right? Or experiencing vivid déjà vu? (Where you could’ve sworn you’ve already … Read more

How To Create A Healing Timeline

How To Create A Healing Timeline of Events

Create a healing timeline and heal emotional wounds. Find and identify triggers and past events in need of healing. Have you found it difficult to create a positive shift in your life because you couldn’t remember events from your past that might have triggered emotional wounds? Find out how to create a healing timeline of … Read more

Meditation Music Reviews and Recommendations

meditation music reviews

Soothing meditation music reviews for traditional and guided meditations. Awaken your higher consciousness through meditation. A selection of soothing meditation music for traditional and guided meditations. Learn to awaken your higher consciousness by listening to a calming voice guide you through a visualization to connect with your inner mind and higher self. Quiet your mind … Read more

Reiki Healing Music

reiki healing music

A selection of my favorite Reiki healing music for energy healing sessions, yoga, and relaxation. Find soothing music to calm your mind and soul. I am currently a Reiki Level II Practitioner but these days generally use Reiki for my own self healing. For me, Reiki has been a wonderful self healing tool that I … Read more

Can Yoga Improve Your Psychic Abilities?

Can Yoga Improve Your Psychic Abilities?

Can yoga improve your psychic abilities? Find out what yoga has to offer in the areas of physical health, mind-body balance, and exercise. This is something I have been asking myself recently. Today’s post is more for me than anything, so I am going to turn the tables and ask all of you some questions. … Read more

Metaphysical Senses: What is Clairvoyance?

what is clairvoyance

Clairvoyance (clear seeing) is a metaphysical sense that means seeing a mental image within your 3rd eye. It is also known as your 6th sense or spiritual sight. This is probably the most well known of the metaphysical senses, or at least the most talked about. It is what most refer to and think of … Read more