Invincible 6-Figure Healer Weekend Recap

This past weekend I attended Dan Hanneman’s Invincible 6-Figure Healer Weekend and it was amazing! I thought I would give you the short version of what it is like to attend a live weekend healing seminar for those of you who have not had the chance to attend a live event.

Driving Near Chicago

As you know, when you want to do something new and different in your daily life, you may really want it deep down, but there can be many blocks that come up as a result when you really start looking at how something can be done. That was me before this event. This event was close enough to my home that I could drive down, about three hours away…but it was near Chicago!

I had told myself long ago that I would never drive anywhere near Chicago. I still wanted to go, and there was no one to drive me down there. So, I found a route that used the state highways for most of the trip and found it to be a very nice way to get around and back home. So, I made progress in my fears about driving near a big city and found out it wasn’t so bad after all. I don’t think I am ready for downtown Chicago traffic though.

Wonderful Healing Energy

The event was two full days and it was packed with so much that I am still trying to digest it all. The meeting room was filled with such positive wonderful healing energy from everyone there! It was a warm welcoming environment that allowed everyone to be themselves and get to know one another.

Everyone was so friendly! I met some wonderful people throughout the weekend and was able to get to know many of them better during lunch. There were so many types of energy healing work represented, some I was familiar with and some that were new to me, so I learned a lot about how others do their work.

We learned energy scanning techniques by doing hands on work in small groups.  We also worked on creating our own individual action plans for our businesses along with working through any blocks that came up. There were some awesome breakthroughs. The best part was the support from the group. Everyone was there working together and supporting each other.

Why Attend a Live Event?

One of the things that you don’t get when you read online is that personal connection with people in the same field as yourself. By attending a live event and connecting with someone in person, it gives you a chance to learn about other healing areas that may not be what you offer, but are actually quite interconnected. It seemed that everyone in the room had the same end result in mind, but approached it from a different perspective.

So, if you have an opportunity to attend a live event you are interested in, stop making excuses and just go! Make the decision and let the details work themselves out. You will be glad you did.

Also, by learning new techniques and getting a chance to practice and become comfortable with them, you can increase your knowledge and skill level. Do you want to learn how to do energy scanning for yourself? If so, click here to discover your easy way to start your healing business through Energy Scans!

4 thoughts on “Invincible 6-Figure Healer Weekend Recap”

  1. Hi Laura,

    So true! I live in a remote area and get so into my lovely canyon — not to mention internet world — that sometimes I forget about the power of these kinds of things.

    I had similar experiences when I went to Matrix Energetics seminars. So intense, in fact, that the energy stayed with me for a long time afterward.

    Sounds like you got a lot out of this. Thanks for sharing your experience!

    • Hi Patti,

      You are welcome. One of these days I will attend a Matrix Energetics seminar. I just bought the book but haven’t read it yet.

  2. I have to agree with you about this. I was signed up to be a vendor at a metaphysical fair recently and my schedule got really crazy and I didn’t know if I was going to be able to go or not, or even if I would have the energy to go. I honestly didn’t know if I should, because I was just so tired and stressed out and it was an hour away.I even asked for guidance and got conflicting answers! :~) Well, I ended up going and while I didn’t do a lot of readings, I did get some for myself and even a little pampering and I have to say, even though I was purely exhausted by the next day, it was like I got a little mini-vacation just by going and I slept really well that night and woke up feeling quite refreshed the next day.

    Sometimes, just a change to our energetic pattern is all we need to shake things up in a good way! :~) Great post, Laura!

    • Hi Sallie,

      It is interesting how we sometimes get so stuck in our daily patterns that we don’t think we have enough energy for anything new or extra. I do agree shaking up those patterns from time to time is exactly what is needed for a new perspective. I really did have a good time and am so glad I attended the event.


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