Free Report Download FAQ

Hi there!

Thank you so much for signing up for my free report! Is is great to “meet” you!

If you are reading this page you might be having some troubles downloading my free report and want to extend my apologies for any issues. This is sent as an Adobe Acrobat .pdf file.

So, there are a few things that can happen when sending files across the vast reaches of the internet. Sometimes for whatever reason the file gets garbled and you can have issues reading or opening the file. If that describes what you are experiencing I have put together a few common issues to look at for you below.


Mobile Device

Trying to view this from your phone or other mobile device?


Trying to download this PDF to your Kindle?

Still Not Working?

If you could not download your free e-book, please use this contact form and I will manually send you another copy of the e-book. That usually clears things up.

  • Contact Me or send an email to contact @ (remove spaces)

I thank you for reading my free report and look forward to connecting more with you soon!

With grace and healing,